耳をすませば Follow me 攻殻機動隊 ってゆうナゾの選択になった。
耳をすませば やばい。なんか観てると辛くなる。輝きすぎてて。自分の人生のくすみっぷりに絶望する。私も読書女子になろうとか思うけど、最早女子とかゆう歳でもないことに気づいてまた死にたくなる。歳とるごとに感受性が死んでゆくのを感じる。
Follow me はひたすらMia Farrow愛でてロンドンを感じる映画やった。写真べつにFollow me のじゃないけど。かわええ。
I haven't touched any culture for a few weeks because I didn't try to make time. Such living is bad and miserable, then I borrowed some films. Reading books needs positiveness but I can be passive while watching movies. So films are nice for me when I'm busy or tired.
Whisper of the heart / Follow me / Ghost in the shell How random they are!
Whisper of the heart was touching. I felt kind of something pain. How young students are bright! And then I felt disappointed with myself. haha I thought I tried to be a girl reader, but I found that I wasn't girl anymore. I've felt my sensitiveness has been dying year by year. Anyway small love in library is adorable.
Mia Farrow in Follow me was so pretty and I enjoyed London scenes. Oh that photo of Mia Farrow isn't in Follow me. Sorry.
Motoko in Ghost in the shell was super cool.
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