あんまり良いうわさ聞いてなかったグランフロント大阪ですが、ZARA HOMEはやっぱりかわいかったわ。アーバンリサーチの新しいラインがなんかかわいいのに安くて二着購入してしまった。
This weekend, I went to Kamigamo shrine, Japanese tea house, Irish pab, nice bar, and Grand front OSAKA. So many places! haha I'm afraid of next week without any fun.
In Kyoto, there are so many fun things at night. I feel happy when I just ride bicycle though this city at night. Everyone enjoy their night here.
Actually I hated Japanese green tea in my childhood, but now I like its bitterness.
Many people say bad about Grand front OSAKA, but I enjoyed there, especially ZARA HOME and a nice cloth store. I bought 2 T-shirts. hehe