May 26, 2013

Green tea


あんまり良いうわさ聞いてなかったグランフロント大阪ですが、ZARA HOMEはやっぱりかわいかったわ。アーバンリサーチの新しいラインがなんかかわいいのに安くて二着購入してしまった。

This weekend, I went to Kamigamo shrine, Japanese tea house, Irish pab, nice bar, and Grand front OSAKA. So many places! haha I'm afraid of next week without any fun.
In Kyoto, there are so many fun things at night. I feel happy when I just ride bicycle though this city at night. Everyone enjoy their night here.
Actually I hated Japanese green tea in my childhood, but now I like its bitterness.

Many people say bad about Grand front OSAKA, but I enjoyed there, especially ZARA HOME and a nice cloth store. I bought 2 T-shirts. hehe

May 18, 2013



I went to Masterworks from the collection of the Prince of Liechtenstein. Judith holds head of Holofernes was best for me. She is so attractive. I saw she is Chinese and Western half because she wears Chinese cloth. But Wikipedia says she is Jew. I like her clever and cruel eyes.
She deceived her enemy person Holofernes with her beauty and killed him.

May 17, 2013

summer skin

日焼け止めは既に3月から塗っておるので、今はグレードアップを検討中。最近ほんとうに肌の衰えがあれなので20前半にして金にものいわす第一歩踏み出した。やっぱりええやつは素晴らしいね。なんかどこのメーカーが良いとかよくわかんないけど、とりあえずshu uemuraなら有名やしいちおう日本人の名前ついてるからアジア人でもだいじょうぶなのかなと思って。


Summer is coming. I feel summer coming cause my nose and forehead have became oily. And I feel ultraviolet rays as well.
I've put sunblock cream on my skin since March, now I'm thinking about buying stronger one. Why women's skin cannot keep their beauty? This is serious problem. I spend more and more money on cosmetic things because of this problem. Efficiency depends on price. I don't know which cosmetic brand is best. Choosing shu uemura was nice decision? I thought it may be nice for asian skin because it's from Japan.

There are many students from other countries on our campus, and many of them exposure themselves to sun light for long time. Why do they like it? 

May 2, 2013




I can't believe MAY has came already! I don't think I've been so busy in this week. But my body and brain are almost dead. Today was worst day, and finally I got room in my mind for reading a book.
I will have holidays for 4 days from tomorrow. This will save my life. haha  As usual, I've stocked piles of HW. Therefore I need to go to school library on holidays and have to do them.
Actually it is still pretty cold in Japan. I think this is why I can't believe it's May. Everybody still wears jacket. Hope coming warm weather as soon as possible.

By the way, does anyone consider about internship? I'm interested in, but don't know how I can search it. Should I register with mainabi or rikunabi? Or searching company's web sites directly is better way? It is helpful that if my university introduces some companies.