めっちゃおもしろかったわ 笑
もしもし警察ですか 僕のテディベアが誘拐されたんです て言ってシカトされたとこやわ…シリアスなシーンやったのに
まあその他もろもろ下ネタがあれやったけどここには書けません 笑
I watched ted yesterday.
It was super funny!
The funniest scene was when a fan of ted kidnapped ted. a friend of ted called the police
"hello 911? I need the police right away. This guy took my teddy bear!"
of course the police ignored him. yeah it should have been serious, but everybody in the movie theatre burst out laughing.
This film had many dirty jokes........and all of them was great, but I can't write them here. I don't want to lose my friends. haha
I recommend it for kinda person who will die after watching Les Miserables because of its sadness.
Many people say Les Miserables is awesome. but according to my sister (she read its book.) that story is very very sad, so I will watch it when my mind has good health.
ダイエットがうんたら言うてたけどあっけなくオワタ ムリ
なんせストレスがやばいんですよ 食べずにはやってられへんもん
あ おとといも夜10時ぐらいにらーめん太郎行ったわ うける
最近デパ地下うろつくのに幸福を感じる 特に神戸大丸
おとといDean&Delucaで写真のメガマフィンとチョコ(とても濃厚)買った おいしかったです
I wrote that I started to eat healthy and do exercise.....but couldn't continue.....
I can't live under huge pressure without eating delicious foods!
a few minutes ago I was doing my essay, but now I'm escaping here...........
In these days I eat out because no time to cook and I need something delicious.
2days ago; chinese noodles & kimuchi (at 10p.m.)
Yesterday; spaghetti & garlic toast (fantastic combination)
Today;chinese noodles & fried rice (love)
I'm lucky to live in Japan because we have many foods from many countries. This is why I can't stop eating.
These photos are cute, but they are made from suger.
I like exploring sweets shops.
Big muffins and tasty chocolates I bought at Dean&Deluca were perfect.
Many oreos are inserted into this muffin, I think that is American fatty food. haha
I promise to eat healthy and do exercise after handing in my essay.
福袋人生ではじめて買ったー アメアパの福袋ー
アメアパならそうそう変なものはいってないやろうと思って 買って良かったよう
もう歳的にあれやろ イタイやろ どうしよう
ハーフ?ばっかなんかなあ なんかみんな西海岸の香りがする
Fukubukuro from American Apparel arrived! This is my first Fukubukuro in my life.
I went to American Apparel store in Osaka a few days ago, but it didn't discount. Then I bought Fukubukuro on its web store. Only XS bags were left, I had no choice.
I was scared if they are too small for me, but it was OK!
Actually if I get bigger, I can't wear leggings...hmm...
Fukubukuro covers what they has, so I haven't bought one.
However American Apparel has many basic clothes, and this Fukubukuro also has good basic clothes and accessories, they satisfied me. Lovely!
Pink and Orange make my closet ( has too many black clothes) more cheerful.
but....how can I wear pink socks? How can they go nice with?
American Apparel's shop employees are so lovely!
They look like girls from LA.